

About This Website

The creation and exchange of ideas and information are central to the University of New England’s mission of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in education, research, and service. 大学的教职员工和学生都是受版权保护的作品的创造者和使用者. It is the intent of the University of New England to comply with all applicable provisions of the United States Copyright Law of 1976, 如美国联邦法典第17章所定义.S. Code. 本网站为在学术环境中使用版权提供信息资源, in support of the University’s commitment to respect for intellectual property rights and the appropriate use of copyrighted materials in an environment of changing technologies and laws. 本网站将定期更新,以反映法律、政策和技术的变化. 如果需要法律意见, members of the University of New England Community should seek legal advice from the University’s legal counsel. 


  • 图书馆事务院长(或指定人员):一般学术版权
  • 首席信息官(或指定人员):数字版权

UNE Policies

U.S. Copyright Law

美国版权法:美国.S. Copyright Office

完整的《全球网络赌博平台》,经修订(美国版权法第17章).S. 法典),简称“1976年版权法”.”

Copyright Basics: U.S. Copyright Office

The U.S. 版权局网站包括主要出版物, 信息通告, 版权登记申请表格, 并链接到版权法和其他版权相关组织的网站.

U.S. Copyright Circular 1, Copyright Basics, defines copyright, 什么是受版权保护的, 如何保障版权, 以及如何登记版权.

教育工作者和图书馆员的版权信息:美国.S. Copyright Office

U.S. Copyright Office Circular 21 includes some of the most important legislative provisions and other documents dealing with fair use and reproduction provisions of the copyright law.

1998年数字千年版权法案:美国.S. 版权局摘要

The DMCA updates U.S. 版权法要适应数字时代的要求,符合美国的法律规范.S. 法律符合世界知识产权组织两项条约的要求, 并解决其他与版权有关的问题. 


The TEACH Act, passed in 2002, 修订1976年版权法第110(2)条, and broadens the scope of copyrighted materials that can be digitally performed or displayed for distance education by accredited, 符合《全球网赌十大平台》资格要求的非营利性教育机构.

教育法案:美国《全球网赌十大平台》第110(2)条的修改图表.S. 代码,2002年11月修订:由Laura Gasaway编写

Comparative analysis of issues between the previous law and the new TEACH Act and also contrasts new and old Sections 110(2) with "classroom exemption" for face-to-face instruction.


当作品首次以固定形式创作时,版权自动获得保护. Copyright registration is a legal formality intended to make a public record of the basic facts of a particular copyright. The following U.S. 版权局网站提供有关受版权保护的内容的信息, 如何保障版权, 以及如何注册版权.

Copyright Basics

在美国注册版权.S. Copyright Office


The links to the following resources are informational only and are intended to serve as additional tools and guides in creating and using copyrighted works in the academic environment.

Fair Use

美国版权法(美国编17)第107条.S. 代码)确定了其目的
复制受版权保护的作品可能被认为是“公平的”,例如批评, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. 第107条还规定了在确定使用是否“公平”时要考虑的四个因素.” 

Fair Use Checklist

基于美国《全球网络赌博平台》第107条合理使用条款的四个要素.S. Code): purpose, nature, amount, and effect, the following checklist from UNE Library Services provides a tool for analysis in evaluating whether fair use applies in particular uses of copyrighted works.

Fair Use Guidelines

The following fair use guidelines have been established by various organizations to assist in applying the four factors to determine fair use with specific formats in specific education and research situations. 


“Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-For-Profit Education Institutions With Respect to Books and Periodicals” in Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians: U.S. Copyright Office. Circular 21


“Guidelines for 音乐的教育用途” in Reproduction in Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians: U.S. Copyright Office. Circular 21.


“Guidelines for Off-Air Recording of Broadcast Programming for Educational Purposes” in Reproduction In Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians: U.S. Copyright Office. Circular 21.

Educational Multimedia

“教育多媒体的合理使用指南”:学院和大学媒体中心联盟, 1996

Image Collections

“数码图像教育合理使用指引建议”:合理使用会议(CONFU)草案, 1996


The U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index is a searchable database of court opinions intended to help individuals better understand the types of uses courts have previously determined to be fair or unfair.


Common academic uses of copyrighted works in teaching include uses in the traditional face-to-face classroom and in the online classroom and in 课程管理系统. 

“了解你的版权:你能做什么”:研究型图书馆协会,2007. A brochure for faculty, 涵盖合理使用评估, 链接到受版权保护的作品, 在课堂上展示或表演作品的规定, 还有一张图表,突出了具体的学术情况.


“使用版权作品 in Your Teaching—FAQ: Part I: Uses in the 传统的面对面课堂”: Association of Research Libraries, 2007


使用版权作品 in Your Teaching—FAQ: Part II: Uses in the Online Classroom/ Course Management System”: Association of Research Libraries, 2007

“Using Course Management Systems: Guidelines and Best Practices for Copyright Compliance”: Copyright Clearance Center


  • 全球网络赌博平台图书馆订阅电子期刊, books, 和其他资源,供全球网络赌博平台授权用户使用. 电子资源的许可协议定义了限制使用的条款和条件, 除了版权保护. Guidelines for linking to licensed electronic journal articles and electronic book chapters to Web CT courses are posted on the UNE Libraries website.
Obtaining Permission

如果受版权保护的作品不符合合理使用的标准或不在公共领域, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder or whoever has the right to give permission on behalf of the copyright holder. 使用前应获得书面许可, 直接从版权所有者或出版商, 或者来自授权机构.


  • 您希望使用的受版权保护材料的详细描述:作者, title, publisher, date of publication, specific chapter, image, illustration, etc.
  • Proposed use of the copyrighted material; duration of use
  • 复制形式和发行方式
  • 电子环境(密码保护,IP限制等.)

有几个组织管理版权作品的许可. 下列组织按材料类型划分.



  • The 版权清关中心’s Academic Permissions Services obtains permission to use copyrighted print content, 电子版或纸质版的, for course packs, e-reserves, 课程管理系统, interlibrary loan, 以及其他课堂和教育用途:

不属于公共领域的音乐和公共场合的音乐表演需要获得许可. The following performing rights organizations collect license fees and distribute royalties for the public performances of works created and owned by songwriters, composers, lyricists, and music publishers.

Images or Photos

如果信息可用,可以请求艺术家或摄影师的许可. 从集合或数据库中选择图像和照片可以简化许可过程.

Media Image Resource Alliance (MIRA) [Cooperative agency that licenses royalty-free or rights managed images for specific uses.]

Motion Pictures

Motion Picture Licensing Corporation [Independent licensing agency that provides an umbrella license to ensure copyright compliance for the public performance of motion pictures.]

  • http://www.mplc.org/
  • 公共领域和版权期限
    • A work is in the “public domain” if it is no longer under copyright protection or if it failed to meet the requirements for copyright protection. 通常不符合联邦版权保护条件的作品类别包括.S. Government works, ideas, facts, procedures, scientific principles, mathematic formulae, words, names, numbers, symbols, 以及来自公共文件或公共来源的标准图表或列表. 属于公共领域的作品可以自由使用,而无需获得原版权所有人的许可.
  • 著作权期限:全球网络赌博平台著作权保护期的法律规定.S. Copyright Office. Circular 15.
  • 《全球网赌十大平台》,作者:Peter B. Hirtle, 康奈尔大学版权信息中心[列出版权条款的图表, expirations, and conditions.]
  • 如何调查一个作品的版权状态:U.S. Copyright Office. Circular 22.

[此数据库可查询美国图书馆收到的版权更新记录.S. 美国版权局在1950年至1992年间出版的图书.S. between 1923 and 1963. 请注意,该数据库只包括美国A类(图书)续订.]


WATCH是一个为作家提供版权联系的数据库, artists, 以及其他创意领域的杰出人士. 这是哈里兰森中心和英国雷丁大学图书馆的一个联合项目. 该网站成立于1994年,主要用于解决美国文学手稿的版权问题.S. and the U.K.目前,它已发展成为世界上最大的版权所有者数据库之一.

Open Access

Scholarly content made available free of charge upon publication and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions is “open access.” Expenses for publication are generally paid by the author or by the author’s institution or grant funding source.

Creative Commons

其他合法的工具,以标记创造性的工作与自由的创作者希望它携带, so others can share, remix, use commercially, 或者它们的任何组合.

BioMed Central

所有由BioMed Central发表的原创研究文章, a science, technology, and medicine publisher, 在出版后立即在网上免费和永久地访问.


PloS is a nonprofit organization committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a public resource. 公共科学图书馆的期刊可以立即在线获取, 对访问不收费,对随后的再分发或使用也没有限制, 只要引用了作者和来源.


DOAJ是一个学术目录, 同行评议的开放获取期刊, and users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, 或链接到文章的全文.