



All members of the University Community are responsible for adhering to applicable 版权 laws 和 determining whether a use constitutes fair use under the 1976 Copyright Act 和/or complies with the TEACH Act provisions for use of digital works in an online or distance learning environment. 如果使用不构成合理使用, 或者作品不属于公共领域, permission must be obtained from the 版权 owner or whoever has the right to give permission on behalf of the 版权 owner.


在侵权的情况下, the 版权 owner is entitled to recover actual damages 和 profits attributed to the infringement, 以及法定损害赔偿, 价格从750美元到150美元不等,每宗侵权金额为5,000美元. 

U.S. 著作权法

1976年美国版权法全文,经修订(美国版权法第17章).S. 代码)


版权保护以有形形式固定的“原创作品”.  受版权保护的作品包括, 但不限于, literary works; musical, 戏剧性的, 和 choreo图形 works; pictorial, 图形, 和 sculptural works; motion pictures 和 other audiovisual works; sound recordings; 和 architectural works. 这些类别应该被广泛地看待, 例如, 计算机程序可以作为文学作品登记.


Materials generally not eligible for statutory 版权 protection include: works that have not been fixed in a tangible form of expression, such as improvisational speeches or performances that have not been written or recorded; titles, 的名字, 短语, 口号, familiar symbols; ideas, 程序, 方法, 系统, 流程, concepts; 和 works consisting entirely of information that is common property, 比如标准日历, 身高体重图, 以及从公共文件中获取的列表或表格.


gives the 版权 owner the exclusive right to do or to authorize others to do the following to a 版权ed work: reproduce the work, 准备衍生作品, 向公众(通过销售)分发副本, 所有权转让, 租赁, 租赁, 或贷款), 并公开表演或展示作品.


在美国注册作品.S. 版权办公室, 虽然不需要版权保护, 建立版权的公共记录, 在侵权诉讼提交法庭之前,这是必须的.  A 版权 notice is not required for 版权 protection of works published on or after March 1, 1989.  使用版权声明, 然而, 版权作品被侵权的重要因素是什么, 并且应该包括符号©或单词“版权”,版权所有者的名称, 以及首次出版的年份. 

版权保护从作品以固定形式创作时起就存在. 保护期限取决于何时获得版权.

1927年以前出版的作品和美国作家创作的作品.S. 政府属于公共领域,不受版权法的保护. 在公共领域的作品可以自由使用,而无需版权所有者的许可.


It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the 版权 law to the 版权 owner, 然而, 这些权利在范围上不受限制. The 1976 Copyright Act includes specific provisions for nonprofit educational institutions in the use of 版权-protected works:

  1. 第107条全球网络赌博平台合理使用: http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#107
  2. 第一百零八条全球网络赌博平台图书馆、档案馆复制的规定 http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#108
  3. 第110条全球网络赌博平台课堂和远程教育中作品的表现和展示: http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#110
  4. 全球网络赌博平台计算机软件的第117条 http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92chap1.html#117

1976年版权法第107条规定了“合理使用”受版权保护作品的原则, 用于批评等目的, 评论, 新闻报道, 教学, 奖学金, 或研究.  合理使用 is an attempt to balance an author’s 版权 protection in creating intellectual works against the public interest in the dissemination of those works. To determine whether the use made of a work is fair use, the law defines four factors to consider: 

  1. 使用的目的和特点, 包括这种使用是否具有商业性质或非营利性, 教育的目的;
  2. 受版权保护作品的性质;
  3. The amount 和 substantiality of the portion used in relation to the 版权ed work as a whole; 和
  4. 使用对受版权保护作品的潜在市场或价值的影响.



Section 108 of the 1976 Copyright Act establishes provisions for libraries or archives to reproduce copies of 版权-protected works for the purpose of preservation, 更换损坏或遗失的工程, 通过馆际互借实现资源共享.

Section 107 of the 1976 Copyright Act 和 the “Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copyright in Non-For-Profit Education Institutions with Respect to Books 和 Periodicals” provide the guiding principles for course reserves 和 course packs.


Section 117 of the 1976 Copyright Act permits the owner of a copy of 版权ed software to make or authorize the making of an archival backup copy.  计算机软件一般是授权给用户使用的, 和 the terms of the license agreement for a specific 版权ed software determine whether the user has a right to copy the licensed software beyond the archival copy.  Copying or reproduction of 版权ed software on 全球网络赌博平台 owned computing equipment must be in accordance with the provisions of the 1976 Copyright Act 和 the specific software license agreement. Use of unauthorized copies of software on 全球网络赌博平台 owned computers or networks or computers housed in the University’s facilities is not permitted. 


The 全球网络赌博平台 complies with the provisions of the 1998年数字千年版权法案 (DMCA), which grants an online service provider (OSP) limited liability for contributory 版权 infringement when its subscribers/users infringe a third party’s 版权 in the use of the OSP’s information technology network.  DMCA要求OSP在美国注册一个官方代理.S. 版权办公室, 制定并发布版权政策, 只使用合法获得的受版权保护作品的副本, 采取措施防止未经授权的查阅和传播信息, 并遵守有效的下架请求. 此类请求应发送至:Sarah Delage, 通讯办公室, 全球网络赌博平台, Biddeford, ME 04005或 sdelage@klhgq8758.com.

参见全球网络赌博平台信息技术服务 学生可接受的使用政策 和 教职员工可接受的使用政策.


Section 110 of the 1976 Copyright Act establishes provisions for the performance or display of a work in the course of face-to-face 教学 activities or as part of mediated instructional activities transmitted via digital networks. 

《全球网络赌博平台》, 作为1976年版权法第110条和第112条的修正案于2002年颁布, exempts certain performances 和 displays of 版权ed materials in digital formats transmitted via digital mediums such as online distance learning 和 course management 系统.  TEACH法案适用于包括注册学生参与的远程教育, 校内或校外, 通过认证, 符合《全球网络赌博平台》资格要求的非营利性教育机构.


  • Use of the 版权ed work must be made at the direction of or under the supervision of an instructor as an integral part of a mediated instructional activity.
  • 使用受版权保护的作品必须仅限于正式注册某一特定课程的学生.
  • Amount of the 版权ed work used must be “reasonable 和 limited” comparable to that typically displayed in a live classroom setting.
  • 学校必须制定并向全体教员宣传其版权政策, 工作人员, 和 students; promote compliance with U.S. 版权 laws; 和 provide notice to students that materials used in the course may be subject to 版权 protection.
  • 机构必须实施技术措施以确保遵守这些政策, 包括密码限制访问, 访问的持续时间限于“类会话”的长度,” 和 preventing students from retaining a copy or disseminating a copy of the 版权ed work to others.

Exemptions under the TEACH Act do not extend to course packs or textbooks generally purchased by students individually, 主要用于远程教育产品的作品, 或已知或被认为是非法制作或非法获得的作品.  Conversion of print or other analog materials to digital formats is permitted only if used for authorized transmission 和 when no digital version of the work is available or the digital version is subject to technological protection measures that prevent its use.